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ESC, remote speed control for strobo
ESC, remote speed control for strobo
Pris ved 1 Stk
 DKK  493,75
Inkl. moms
Varenummer: 3430
Vægt: 0 
Levering: Lev. 1 - 2 dage
The Anytronics ESC Extension Speed Control is a powerless
remote speed control, which can be used with Superstar Strobe
MkII, Megastar Strobe, Deathstar Strobe. The unit consists of a
rotary speed control, ‘on/off’ push button switch and momentary
action flash button, which when pressed once will give a single
flash. When the button is held down, the strobe will flash at
maximum speed. Connection of the two units is via a 2 core
jack to jack lead, the action of inserting the jack to the ESC
socket on the rear of the strobe will disable the strobe’s own
speed control. The ESC is another component of the Anytronics
Modular Lighting Control System and can be panel mounted
onto the Module 6 19" x 3U rack panel, or is available as a
freestanding unit - see current price list for other components
available in the Modular Control System Range.

Bøffelkobbelvej 9
6400 Sønderborg

Tlf.: +45 7448 5258
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