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PAR64, CP60, 1000w/230v, GX16d NSP
PAR64, CP60, 1000w/230v, GX16d NSP
Pris ved 1 Stk
 DKK  249,00
Inkl. moms
Varenummer: 1415
Vægt: 1 Kg.
Levering: Lev. 1 - 2 dage
Super Par 64 Lamps

GE has led the European PAR64 market for 25 years since the introduction of the first 230 & 240V 1000W PAR in 1977. There have been many range additions since then, but non as exciting as the NEW Super PAR64.

Key benefits are:

10% more lumen output

Improved colour temperature control

Improved system efficiency

Fits excisting sockets and cans

The improved performance of this range has to be seen. The increased light utput together with imporved colour control and reduced glare gives a clear edge over the existing 1000W range.
The new range will cover the 3 most popular types from very narrow spot to medium flood (CP60, CP61, CP62) in both 230 % 240V.
The lamps can be used in a wide range of theatre and studio applications and can interchange with the existing range.

Brændetid: 300 timer

Bøffelkobbelvej 9
6400 Sønderborg

Tlf.: +45 7448 5258
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